Life-Saving Stories: Our Mission’s Impact

At RescueLife, our journey has taken us to the heart of conflict zones, reaching remote villages and areas just 5 kilometers from war’s front line, where the need for our free first aid training is most acute. Our presence in these hard-to-reach places has been transformative, evidenced by the compelling testimonials from those who have used the skills we taught to save lives amidst the chaos of war. In these regions ravaged by conflict, our training transcends mere medical knowledge; it becomes a crucial tool for survival, instilling hope and resilience in a society where every moment is fraught with uncertainty. This commitment to making lifesaving skills accessible to all, particularly in such dire circumstances, underscores the essence of our mission at RescueLife—to empower, to protect life, and to bring a ray of hope to those living in the shadow of war.

Lifesaving Skills for Everyone, Everywhere: Building a Safer Future with RescueLife


$ Expenditure


In the four daring missions of RescueLife, we have traveled thousands of kilometers by car from Spain to the remote villages of Ukraine, often finding ourselves just 20 km from the border with the aggressor state. Our team, composed entirely of volunteers, has embarked on this journey with unwavering dedication, investing their own money and time, and tirelessly seeking support from private companies and individual donations.

The need for our free classes in Ukraine’s public schools is palpable. Each session reveals the harsh reality of a nation at war, but also stories of hope and resilience. Teachers and students have welcomed us with gratitude and respect, deeply valuing the knowledge we share. In our classrooms, we’ve heard harrowing tales of the ravages of war, personal stories that have profoundly moved us.

In one particularly poignant instance, a teacher who attended our course managed to save a life by performing street resuscitation. This heroic act is a testament to the vital importance of our work. These experiences reinforce our belief that the knowledge we impart is not just theoretical; it’s a survival tool, a spark of hope amid devastation.

The journey has not been easy. The miles traveled reflect the tenacity and commitment of our team. Despite the challenges and uncertainties, our will to help, to grow, and to offer more to Ukrainian society has never waned. Every word of thanks, every success story, every life saved drives us forward.

Looking ahead, our goal is clear: we want to expand our reach, to touch more people, more schools. The support and gratitude we’ve received motivate us to continue on this path, to keep bringing knowledge and hope to every corner of Ukraine, where courage and resilience are found in every classroom, in every face. The need is great, but our determination is even greater.